Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Holy crap I hate being the procrastination son of a biotch that I am.

Now I can safely say that my copy of The Outsiders, has successfully been Altered.

The Outside of The Box is the Title of my book. And I really like how it came out. Remember how I had stated that I wanted the ? Block to play a part in my book? Well I feel like I've made that work quite well.

The book's bio is pretty much verbatim with the Who Am I and Why Am I Here blog post. The reason I'm not going to be posting pictures of pages is because I really want to surprise this one, What fun is reading a book if you know all about it?

The next page is the egg project with an animated me focusing on what I want, but can't quite make it a reality.

The page after is all a great big doodle mess, with elements of the Fujinasim that I had mentioned in class on the day of the doodle assignment, as well as my doodle blog post.

The page after had a nice little happy coincidence, I bit of serendipity I suppose. It matched up perfectly with the sleep on it assignment, and I also incorporated the What If assignment in there as well on the same page.

The page after, Well let's say Fear and Rule Breaking are the present forms here. I'm not going to say another word because, well that would be complete BS if I ruined that.

The page follow the fear and rule breaking assignments still. I'm going to continue being shut up about it.

The page after is a follow up on the two above assignments, as well as a little something for the reader.

The final pages relate to going back to the fear pages and seeing how they've changed over time. Thus exploring the "Taste the sound of a second" assignment.

Finally we have the back cover featuring an author's portrait, and bullcrap famous quotes.

So my opinion on tech and the human body? I feel like in some degrees, we need it to live. Say we lose a lung, and we need some artificial lung from technology to live. Or perhaps the same could be said with fake limbs. It seems important to some degree, but when you get to the real crazy stuff, I'd stay away from it just because I want to remain more human than machine.

My opinion on a MAS project with my own body? In a way I suppose I did that. I made this book the embodiment of me. I took everything that I did, All my creative talent, and revamped something that already existed, and added myself to it. It felt pretty good. I'd say I'm ok with combing myself like this on an emotional level and less of a physical level. The day I have to sacrifice my brain for a machine that I'm building for a capstone is the day I stop playing video games forever.

In a way, I feel like the book becomes a part of me really, and It will be hard to let it go. I find that when I'm proud of a project, I don't mind presenting it, but leaving it for a month? That might be tough. Either way, I've made something unique, that represents me, and will probably be one of a kind for a long time.

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