Thursday, July 3, 2014

Religious Ambiguity - Yeah I'm Going There

While not really the main subject of the class, it was touched on, and I'd like to voice my own thoughts on the experience.

In class, we were told a story of a Sunday school experience in which someone is to draw 'God' on a sheet of paper. Everyone drew the typical big white bearded old man on a cloud except my professor (at the time). She drew a tree. This was her representation of God, and the Christian Overseer there wouldn't have it. "You need to take this seriously." The person had said.

This is just freaking bigotry if I've ever seen it. It's my way or the high way. I mean really, what the hell. Now that I've got that out of my system, I'll draw upon my own religious standpoint.

I don't really have one. I wouldn't call myself and Atheist as I don't follow their beliefs to the dot, nor would I call myself and Agnostic. I'm just kind of my own thing, and I'd rather not stick a label on it. My point being, I'm not for or against anything, except for ignorant stupid stuff like this.

The term 'God' is a very ambiguous term. Hell... the term God to me represents Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario and Zelda.

What makes him a 'God'? He is a divine person capable of feats that no other human being is capable of. He came from out of nowhere and saved an industry from the brink of collapse. This man... is a literal God to me. So God could be various things to all kinds of people. It might not even by a physical object, but some sort of feeling, it all varies. Because of this, There's going to be multiple 'Gods' in the world. The reason there seems to be so much religious conflict, is to try and prove that their god is the true and only 'God' that exists.

So how would this kind of thing help me through creativity? I have an answer believe it or not. Ambiguity, along with interpretation is something that can drive creativity immensely. When you're given a simple prompt or task such as "Do something with an egg" There could be multiple somethings you could do. This even exists in writing, I've written entire stories of a simple title generator which comes up with ridiculous things like "Godzilla Steve's House The Cat" What the hell does it mean? It's up to me to figure that out, and give life to it. Thus ends my mini rant on religion/creative ambiguity.

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